1 Kings

Chapter 6

1 And it came1961 to pass in the four702 hundred3967 and eightieth8084 year8141 after the children1121 of Israel3478 were come3318 out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 in the fourth7243 year8141 of Solomon's8010 reign4427 over5921 Israel,3478 in the month2320 Zif,2099 which1931 is the second8145 month,2320 that he began to build1129 the house1004 of the LORD.3068

2 And the house1004 which834 king4428 Solomon8010 built1129 for the LORD,3068 the length753 thereof was three score8346 cubits,520 and the breadth7341 thereof twenty6242 cubits, and the height6967 thereof thirty7970 cubits.520

3 And the porch197 before5921 6440 the temple1964 of the house,1004 twenty6242 cubits520 was the length753 thereof, according5921 6440 to the breadth7341 of the house;1004 and ten6235 cubits520 was the breadth7341 thereof before5921 6440 the house.1004

4 And for the house1004 he made6213 windows2474 of narrow331 lights.8261

5 And against5921 the wall7023 of the house1004 he built1129 chambers3326 round5439 about, against the walls7023 of the house1004 round5439 about, both of the temple1964 and of the oracle:1687 and he made6213 chambers6763 round5439 about:

6 The nethermost8481 chamber3326 was five2568 cubits520 broad,7341 and the middle8484 was six8337 cubits520 broad,7341 and the third7992 was seven7651 cubits520 broad:7341 for without2351 in the wall of the house1004 he made5414 narrowed4052 rests round5439 about, that the beams should not be fastened270 in the walls7023 of the house.1004

7 And the house,1004 when it was in building,1129 was built1129 of stone68 made ready8003 before4551 it was brought4551 thither: so that there was neither3808 hammer4717 nor ax1631 nor any3605 tool3627 of iron1270 heard8085 in the house,1004 while it was in building.1129

8 The door6607 for the middle8484 chamber6763 was in the right3233 side3802 of the house:1004 and they went5927 up with winding3883 stairs3883 into5921 the middle8484 chamber, and out of the middle8484 into413 the third.7992

9 So he built1129 the house,1004 and finished3615 it; and covered5603 the house1004 with beams1356 and boards7713 of cedar.730

10 And then he built1129 chambers3326 against5921 all3605 the house,1004 five2568 cubits520 high:6967 and they rested270 on the house1004 with timber6086 of cedar.730

11 And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to Solomon,8010 saying,559

12 Concerning this2088 house1004 which834 you are in building,1129 if518 you will walk3212 in my statutes,2708 and execute6213 my judgments,4941 and keep8104 all3605 my commandments4687 to walk3212 in them; then will I perform6965 my word1697 with you, which834 I spoke1696 to David1732 your father:1

13 And I will dwell7931 among8432 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and will not forsake5800 my people5971 Israel.3478

14 So Solomon8010 built1129 the house,1004 and finished3615 it.

15 And he built1129 the walls7023 of the house1004 within1004 with boards6763 of cedar,730 both the floor7172 of the house,1004 and the walls7023 of the ceiling:5604 and he covered6823 them on the inside1004 with wood,6086 and covered6823 the floor7172 of the house1004 with planks6763 of fir.1265

16 And he built1129 twenty6242 cubits520 on the sides3411 of the house,1004 both the floor7172 and the walls7023 with boards6763 of cedar:730 he even built1129 them for it within,1004 even for the oracle,1687 even for the most6944 holy6944 place.

17 And the house,1004 that is, the temple1964 before3942 it, was forty705 cubits520 long.

18 And the cedar730 of the house1004 within6441 was carved4734 with knops6497 and open6358 flowers:6731 all3605 was cedar;730 there was no369 stone68 seen.7200

19 And the oracle1687 he prepared3559 in the house1004 within,6441 to set5414 there8033 the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD.3068

20 And the oracle1687 in the forepart6440 was twenty6242 cubits520 in length,753 and twenty6242 cubits520 in breadth,7341 and twenty6242 cubits520 in the height6967 thereof: and he overlaid6823 it with pure5462 gold;2091 and so covered6823 the altar4196 which was of cedar.730

21 So Solomon8010 overlaid6823 the house1004 within6441 with pure5462 gold:2091 and he made a partition5674 by the chains7569 of gold2091 before6440 the oracle;1687 and he overlaid6823 it with gold.2091

22 And the whole3605 house1004 he overlaid6823 with gold,2091 until5704 he had finished8552 all3605 the house:1004 also the whole3605 altar4196 that was by the oracle1687 he overlaid6823 with gold.2091

23 And within the oracle1687 he made6213 two8147 cherubim3742 of olive8081 tree,6086 each ten6235 cubits520 high.6967

24 And five2568 cubits520 was the one259 wing3671 of the cherub,3742 and five2568 cubits520 the other8145 wing3671 of the cherub:3742 from the uttermost7098 part of the one wing3671 to the uttermost7098 part of the other3671 were ten6235 cubits.520

25 And the other8145 cherub3742 was ten6235 cubits:520 both8147 the cherubim3742 were of one259 measure4060 and one259 size.7095

26 The height6967 of the one259 cherub3742 was ten6235 cubits,520 and so3651 was it of the other8145 cherub.3742

27 And he set5414 the cherubim3742 within8432 the inner6442 house:1004 and they stretched6566 forth the wings3671 of the cherubim,3742 so that the wing3671 of the one259 touched5060 the one wall,7023 and the wing3671 of the other8145 cherub3742 touched5060 the other8145 wall;7023 and their wings3671 touched5060 one3671 another3671 in the middle8432 of the house.1004

28 And he overlaid6823 the cherubim3742 with gold.2091

29 And he carved7049 all3605 the walls7023 of the house1004 round4524 about4524 with carved6603 figures4734 of cherubim3742 and palm8561 trees and open6358 flowers,6731 within6441 and without.2435

30 And the floors7172 of the house1004 he overlaid6823 with gold,2091 within6441 and without.2435

31 And for the entering6607 of the oracle1687 he made6213 doors1817 of olive8081 tree:6086 the lintel352 and side posts4201 were a fifth2549 part of the wall.

32 The two8147 doors1817 also were of olive8081 tree;6086 and he carved7049 on them carvings4734 of cherubim3742 and palm8561 trees and open6358 flowers,6731 and overlaid6823 them with gold,2091 and spread7286 gold2091 on the cherubim,3742 and on the palm8561 trees.

33 So3651 also made6213 he for the door6607 of the temple1964 posts4201 of olive8081 tree,6086 a fourth7243 part of the wall.

34 And the two8147 doors1817 were of fir1265 tree:6086 the two8147 leaves6763 of the one259 door1817 were folding,1550 and the two8147 leaves7050 of the other8145 door1817 were folding.1550

35 And he carved7049 thereon cherubim3742 and palm8561 trees and open6358 flowers:6731 and covered6823 them with gold2091 fitted3474 on the carved2707 work.

36 And he built1129 the inner6442 court2691 with three7969 rows2905 of hewed1496 stone,1496 and a row2905 of cedar730 beams.3773

37 In the fourth7243 year8141 was the foundation3245 of the house1004 of the LORD3068 laid,7901 in the month3391 Zif:2099

38 And in the eleventh259 6240 year,8141 in the month3391 Bul,945 which1931 is the eighth8066 month,2320 was the house1004 finished3615 throughout all3605 the parts1697 thereof, and according to all3605 the fashion4941 of it. So was he seven7651 years8141 in building1129 it.



1 以色列人出埃及地後四百八十年,所羅門作以色列王第四年西弗月,就是二月,開工建造耶和華的殿。

2 所羅門王為耶和華所建的殿,長六十肘,寬二十肘,高三十肘。

3 殿前的廊子長二十肘,與殿的寬窄一樣,闊十肘;

4 又為殿作了狹隘[narrow]的窗格。

5 靠著殿牆,圍著外殿內殿,造了三層旁屋;

6 下層寬五肘,中層寬六肘,上層寬七肘。殿外旁屋的梁木擱在殿牆坎上,免得插入殿牆。

7 建殿是用還沒有搬來[before it was brought thither]就鑿成的石頭。建殿的時候,鎚子、斧子,和別樣鐵器的響聲都沒有聽見。

8 在殿右邊當中的旁屋有門,門內有旋螺的樓梯,可以上到第二層,從第二層可以上到第三層。

9 所羅門建殿,安置香柏木的棟梁,又用香柏木板遮蓋。

10 靠著殿所造的旁屋,每層高五肘,香柏木的棟梁擱在殿牆坎上。

11 耶和華的話臨到所羅門說:

12 「論到你所建的這殿,你若遵行我的律例,謹守我的典章,遵從我的一切誡命,我必向你應驗我所應許你父親大衛的話。

13 我必住在以色列人中間,並不丟棄我民以色列。」

14 所羅門建造殿宇。

15 殿裏面用香柏木板貼牆,從地到棚頂都用木板遮蔽,又用松木板鋪地。

16 他又[And he]在殿的四旁[on the sides of the house]為內殿[even for the oracle]為至聖之處[even for the most holy place]連地帶牆用香柏木板[both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar]建造[built]有二十肘[twenty cubits]

17 內殿前的外殿,長四十肘。

18 殿裏一點石頭都不顯露,一概用香柏木遮蔽;上面刻著野瓜和初開的花。

19 殿裏預備了內殿,好安放耶和華的約櫃。

20 內殿長二十肘,寬二十肘,高二十肘,牆面都貼上[pure]金;又用香柏木作壇,包上[pure]金。

21 所羅門用[pure]金貼了殿內的牆,又用金鏈子掛在內殿前門扇,用金包裹。

22 全殿都貼上金子,直到貼完;內殿前的壇,也都用金包裹。

23 他用橄欖木作兩個基路伯,各高十肘,安在內殿。

24 這一個基路伯有兩個翅膀,各長五肘,從這翅膀尖到那翅膀尖共有十肘;

25 那一個基路伯的兩個翅膀也是十肘,兩個基路伯的尺寸、形像都是一樣。

26 這基路伯高十肘,那基路伯也是如此。

27 他將兩個基路伯安在內殿裏;基路伯的翅膀是張開的,這基路伯的一個翅膀挨著這邊的牆,那基路伯的一個翅膀挨著那邊的牆,裏邊的兩個翅膀在殿中間彼此相接;

28 又用金子包裹二基路伯。

29 內殿、外殿周圍的牆上都刻著基路伯、棕樹,和初開的花。

30 內殿、外殿的地板都貼上金子。

31 又用橄欖木製造內殿的入口[entering]門楣和門框[lintel and side posts]有牆的五分之一。

32 在橄欖木作的兩門扇上刻著基路伯、棕樹,和初開的花,都貼上金子。

33 又用橄欖木製造外殿的門框,門口有牆的四分之一。

34 用松木作門兩扇。這扇分兩扇,是摺疊的;那扇分兩扇;也是摺疊的。

35 上面刻著基路伯、棕樹,和初開的花,都用金子貼了。

36 他又用鑿成的石頭三層、香柏木一層建築內院。

37 所羅門在位第四年西弗月,立了耶和華殿的根基。

38 到十一年布勒月,就是八月,殿和一切屬殿的都按著樣式造成,他建殿共花[in]七年。

1 Kings

Chapter 6



1 And it came1961 to pass in the four702 hundred3967 and eightieth8084 year8141 after the children1121 of Israel3478 were come3318 out of the land776 of Egypt,4714 in the fourth7243 year8141 of Solomon's8010 reign4427 over5921 Israel,3478 in the month2320 Zif,2099 which1931 is the second8145 month,2320 that he began to build1129 the house1004 of the LORD.3068

1 以色列人出埃及地後四百八十年,所羅門作以色列王第四年西弗月,就是二月,開工建造耶和華的殿。

2 And the house1004 which834 king4428 Solomon8010 built1129 for the LORD,3068 the length753 thereof was three score8346 cubits,520 and the breadth7341 thereof twenty6242 cubits, and the height6967 thereof thirty7970 cubits.520

2 所羅門王為耶和華所建的殿,長六十肘,寬二十肘,高三十肘。

3 And the porch197 before5921 6440 the temple1964 of the house,1004 twenty6242 cubits520 was the length753 thereof, according5921 6440 to the breadth7341 of the house;1004 and ten6235 cubits520 was the breadth7341 thereof before5921 6440 the house.1004

3 殿前的廊子長二十肘,與殿的寬窄一樣,闊十肘;

4 And for the house1004 he made6213 windows2474 of narrow331 lights.8261

4 又為殿作了狹隘[narrow]的窗格。

5 And against5921 the wall7023 of the house1004 he built1129 chambers3326 round5439 about, against the walls7023 of the house1004 round5439 about, both of the temple1964 and of the oracle:1687 and he made6213 chambers6763 round5439 about:

5 靠著殿牆,圍著外殿內殿,造了三層旁屋;

6 The nethermost8481 chamber3326 was five2568 cubits520 broad,7341 and the middle8484 was six8337 cubits520 broad,7341 and the third7992 was seven7651 cubits520 broad:7341 for without2351 in the wall of the house1004 he made5414 narrowed4052 rests round5439 about, that the beams should not be fastened270 in the walls7023 of the house.1004

6 下層寬五肘,中層寬六肘,上層寬七肘。殿外旁屋的梁木擱在殿牆坎上,免得插入殿牆。

7 And the house,1004 when it was in building,1129 was built1129 of stone68 made ready8003 before4551 it was brought4551 thither: so that there was neither3808 hammer4717 nor ax1631 nor any3605 tool3627 of iron1270 heard8085 in the house,1004 while it was in building.1129

7 建殿是用還沒有搬來[before it was brought thither]就鑿成的石頭。建殿的時候,鎚子、斧子,和別樣鐵器的響聲都沒有聽見。

8 The door6607 for the middle8484 chamber6763 was in the right3233 side3802 of the house:1004 and they went5927 up with winding3883 stairs3883 into5921 the middle8484 chamber, and out of the middle8484 into413 the third.7992

8 在殿右邊當中的旁屋有門,門內有旋螺的樓梯,可以上到第二層,從第二層可以上到第三層。

9 So he built1129 the house,1004 and finished3615 it; and covered5603 the house1004 with beams1356 and boards7713 of cedar.730

9 所羅門建殿,安置香柏木的棟梁,又用香柏木板遮蓋。

10 And then he built1129 chambers3326 against5921 all3605 the house,1004 five2568 cubits520 high:6967 and they rested270 on the house1004 with timber6086 of cedar.730

10 靠著殿所造的旁屋,每層高五肘,香柏木的棟梁擱在殿牆坎上。

11 And the word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 to Solomon,8010 saying,559

11 耶和華的話臨到所羅門說:

12 Concerning this2088 house1004 which834 you are in building,1129 if518 you will walk3212 in my statutes,2708 and execute6213 my judgments,4941 and keep8104 all3605 my commandments4687 to walk3212 in them; then will I perform6965 my word1697 with you, which834 I spoke1696 to David1732 your father:1

12 「論到你所建的這殿,你若遵行我的律例,謹守我的典章,遵從我的一切誡命,我必向你應驗我所應許你父親大衛的話。

13 And I will dwell7931 among8432 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and will not forsake5800 my people5971 Israel.3478

13 我必住在以色列人中間,並不丟棄我民以色列。」

14 So Solomon8010 built1129 the house,1004 and finished3615 it.

14 所羅門建造殿宇。

15 And he built1129 the walls7023 of the house1004 within1004 with boards6763 of cedar,730 both the floor7172 of the house,1004 and the walls7023 of the ceiling:5604 and he covered6823 them on the inside1004 with wood,6086 and covered6823 the floor7172 of the house1004 with planks6763 of fir.1265

15 殿裏面用香柏木板貼牆,從地到棚頂都用木板遮蔽,又用松木板鋪地。

16 And he built1129 twenty6242 cubits520 on the sides3411 of the house,1004 both the floor7172 and the walls7023 with boards6763 of cedar:730 he even built1129 them for it within,1004 even for the oracle,1687 even for the most6944 holy6944 place.

16 他又[And he]在殿的四旁[on the sides of the house]為內殿[even for the oracle]為至聖之處[even for the most holy place]連地帶牆用香柏木板[both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar]建造[built]有二十肘[twenty cubits]

17 And the house,1004 that is, the temple1964 before3942 it, was forty705 cubits520 long.

17 內殿前的外殿,長四十肘。

18 And the cedar730 of the house1004 within6441 was carved4734 with knops6497 and open6358 flowers:6731 all3605 was cedar;730 there was no369 stone68 seen.7200

18 殿裏一點石頭都不顯露,一概用香柏木遮蔽;上面刻著野瓜和初開的花。

19 And the oracle1687 he prepared3559 in the house1004 within,6441 to set5414 there8033 the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD.3068

19 殿裏預備了內殿,好安放耶和華的約櫃。

20 And the oracle1687 in the forepart6440 was twenty6242 cubits520 in length,753 and twenty6242 cubits520 in breadth,7341 and twenty6242 cubits520 in the height6967 thereof: and he overlaid6823 it with pure5462 gold;2091 and so covered6823 the altar4196 which was of cedar.730

20 內殿長二十肘,寬二十肘,高二十肘,牆面都貼上[pure]金;又用香柏木作壇,包上[pure]金。

21 So Solomon8010 overlaid6823 the house1004 within6441 with pure5462 gold:2091 and he made a partition5674 by the chains7569 of gold2091 before6440 the oracle;1687 and he overlaid6823 it with gold.2091

21 所羅門用[pure]金貼了殿內的牆,又用金鏈子掛在內殿前門扇,用金包裹。

22 And the whole3605 house1004 he overlaid6823 with gold,2091 until5704 he had finished8552 all3605 the house:1004 also the whole3605 altar4196 that was by the oracle1687 he overlaid6823 with gold.2091

22 全殿都貼上金子,直到貼完;內殿前的壇,也都用金包裹。

23 And within the oracle1687 he made6213 two8147 cherubim3742 of olive8081 tree,6086 each ten6235 cubits520 high.6967

23 他用橄欖木作兩個基路伯,各高十肘,安在內殿。

24 And five2568 cubits520 was the one259 wing3671 of the cherub,3742 and five2568 cubits520 the other8145 wing3671 of the cherub:3742 from the uttermost7098 part of the one wing3671 to the uttermost7098 part of the other3671 were ten6235 cubits.520

24 這一個基路伯有兩個翅膀,各長五肘,從這翅膀尖到那翅膀尖共有十肘;

25 And the other8145 cherub3742 was ten6235 cubits:520 both8147 the cherubim3742 were of one259 measure4060 and one259 size.7095

25 那一個基路伯的兩個翅膀也是十肘,兩個基路伯的尺寸、形像都是一樣。

26 The height6967 of the one259 cherub3742 was ten6235 cubits,520 and so3651 was it of the other8145 cherub.3742

26 這基路伯高十肘,那基路伯也是如此。

27 And he set5414 the cherubim3742 within8432 the inner6442 house:1004 and they stretched6566 forth the wings3671 of the cherubim,3742 so that the wing3671 of the one259 touched5060 the one wall,7023 and the wing3671 of the other8145 cherub3742 touched5060 the other8145 wall;7023 and their wings3671 touched5060 one3671 another3671 in the middle8432 of the house.1004

27 他將兩個基路伯安在內殿裏;基路伯的翅膀是張開的,這基路伯的一個翅膀挨著這邊的牆,那基路伯的一個翅膀挨著那邊的牆,裏邊的兩個翅膀在殿中間彼此相接;

28 And he overlaid6823 the cherubim3742 with gold.2091

28 又用金子包裹二基路伯。

29 And he carved7049 all3605 the walls7023 of the house1004 round4524 about4524 with carved6603 figures4734 of cherubim3742 and palm8561 trees and open6358 flowers,6731 within6441 and without.2435

29 內殿、外殿周圍的牆上都刻著基路伯、棕樹,和初開的花。

30 And the floors7172 of the house1004 he overlaid6823 with gold,2091 within6441 and without.2435

30 內殿、外殿的地板都貼上金子。

31 And for the entering6607 of the oracle1687 he made6213 doors1817 of olive8081 tree:6086 the lintel352 and side posts4201 were a fifth2549 part of the wall.

31 又用橄欖木製造內殿的入口[entering]門楣和門框[lintel and side posts]有牆的五分之一。

32 The two8147 doors1817 also were of olive8081 tree;6086 and he carved7049 on them carvings4734 of cherubim3742 and palm8561 trees and open6358 flowers,6731 and overlaid6823 them with gold,2091 and spread7286 gold2091 on the cherubim,3742 and on the palm8561 trees.

32 在橄欖木作的兩門扇上刻著基路伯、棕樹,和初開的花,都貼上金子。

33 So3651 also made6213 he for the door6607 of the temple1964 posts4201 of olive8081 tree,6086 a fourth7243 part of the wall.

33 又用橄欖木製造外殿的門框,門口有牆的四分之一。

34 And the two8147 doors1817 were of fir1265 tree:6086 the two8147 leaves6763 of the one259 door1817 were folding,1550 and the two8147 leaves7050 of the other8145 door1817 were folding.1550

34 用松木作門兩扇。這扇分兩扇,是摺疊的;那扇分兩扇;也是摺疊的。

35 And he carved7049 thereon cherubim3742 and palm8561 trees and open6358 flowers:6731 and covered6823 them with gold2091 fitted3474 on the carved2707 work.

35 上面刻著基路伯、棕樹,和初開的花,都用金子貼了。

36 And he built1129 the inner6442 court2691 with three7969 rows2905 of hewed1496 stone,1496 and a row2905 of cedar730 beams.3773

36 他又用鑿成的石頭三層、香柏木一層建築內院。

37 In the fourth7243 year8141 was the foundation3245 of the house1004 of the LORD3068 laid,7901 in the month3391 Zif:2099

37 所羅門在位第四年西弗月,立了耶和華殿的根基。

38 And in the eleventh259 6240 year,8141 in the month3391 Bul,945 which1931 is the eighth8066 month,2320 was the house1004 finished3615 throughout all3605 the parts1697 thereof, and according to all3605 the fashion4941 of it. So was he seven7651 years8141 in building1129 it.

38 到十一年布勒月,就是八月,殿和一切屬殿的都按著樣式造成,他建殿共花[in]七年。